Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Brown can be fun too

I kind of get caught up in using lots of bold sun-inspired designs and often overlook the lovely earthy browns in my tile collection. Now, don't get me wrong. I adore my sunny colors and designs and I'm not about to ditch them for a fresh start. But yesterday evening as I was sitting down to start a new piece after making dinner for the kids, I decided to go with a completely different color palate than my usual comfort zone would encompass. It was liberating! I'm looking forward to creating a few new pieces today with a more varied color selection.

Speaking of new creations, I know I've been promising to get the new pieces on my Etsy shop for days. Juggling mosaics, a 4-year old home with flu for a week and the usual homework and carpooling with the bigger kids means the grouting keeps getting pushed off. I've made a resolution to get at least half of the things grouted on the weekend though (please let it rain at night and be sunny during the day so I can grout outside on the patio!!). As soon as they're done, I'll get them on the shop for you to see.

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